Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why babies cry

All babies cry, no way around it is one of the ways they communicate, as your baby can not simply tell you what happens. It can be a little difficult at first, but a large part of  parenting is trial and error, and soon learn to anticipate the needs of your child, you understand what you want and so leave to mourn. However, I want to help and so here we bring you some reasons why your baby may be crying.

Hungry: Once you learn to recognize signs that your baby wants to eat , such as being uncomfortable, make sounds or search your chest when you lift, you can feed it before it begins to mourn. But until that happens, it's a good idea to check if you are hungry when you are crying. The milk can not stop her tears away, but let him eat as much as you want. It stop once your stomach is full.

Need a diaper: Some babies cry when they need to be changed. Others do not mind having a dirty diaper, because it is warm and comfortable for them. Anyway, a good idea to review it to see if that is the reason for his tears.

Is cold or hot: Newborns like to be clothed and warm as a blanket rule need more than we do for comfort. So when your baby feels cold, like when you take off your clothes to change, expressed his dissatisfaction crying. But be careful not to wear it much, because you can not complain unless it is very hot to be cold.

He wants you to get up: Babies need the hug a lot. They like to see the face of their parents, their voices heard and their heartbeats and can even detect their unique smell. After eating, many babies just like to be hugged. You may wonder if spoiled much your baby to hug a lot, but it is never possible in the first months. And then you will notice that your child requires so much attention.

Losing it: While many newborn intensive care, also may tire easily and break to mourn. You may find that your baby cries more than usual after spending some time with many family members or in strange places. Newborns have difficulty processing all the stimulation they receive as lights, noise or moving from one hand to another. When this happens they can begin to mourn much, which is passed giving some space with fresh air and trying to get some sleep.

Not feeling well: If you fed your baby and looked to be comfortable, but still crying, you might consider taking your temperature to make sure not sick. The cry of a sick baby tends to be different from that is hungry or tired and soon you will recognize when your baby cries because he needs to be taken to the physician.

None of the above: Sometimes you may not know is wrong. Many newborns have periods that are uncomfortable and not easy to calm. These periods can vary from minutes to hours, but is not that nothing bad happens.

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