Saturday, February 18, 2012

Benefits of breastfeeding after delivery

Did you think to breastfeed your child? is a very good choice, today, most hospitals recommend breastfeeding immediately after delivery the uterus, unless the baby has a low scale score. Apgar or breathe too fast, in which case, be sure to be postponed a little nursing.

Breastfeeding while spending time after delivery, it is beneficial for the mother, as this process causes the uterus to contract, thereby reducing uterine bleeding, keep in mind that the hormone that triggers uterine contractions is that it stimulates the production of milk.
The best time to nurse a baby is during the time of the newborn, as during this time the children are hungry and wide awake, so when the baby closer to the chest, instinctively lick and if we help a little will take the nipple and began to suck the force for several minutes.

The breast milk as such, does not begin to flow until the third to fifth day of birth produced, so do not despair mom, soon will fall in quantity and periodically, when your baby demands, while receiving a thinner milk and color almost transparent yellowish colostrum, which contains proteins and antibodies essential to protect from infections or enfermedades. No has the same caloric value than breast milk, but it remains one of the staples in the early days to the newborn.

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