Saturday, February 18, 2012

Skin and nails care of baby

As we have said on other occasions, our baby's skin is very sensitive and can get irritated very easily by contact with chemicals in new clothes, or soaps or detergents used to wash their clothes and used.

To avoid such problems as advised is to rinse twice one for our baby, and all washable objects within its power, before they make contact with your skin. During the first months should wash your baby's clothes separately from the rest of the family.

On the contrary of what is usually seen in advertisements, the child will not need no cream or oils or powders extras, but if you have very dry skin, use creams for babies, not forgetting that they should not contain perfume or chemicals that could irritate the skin of the infant. If your baby's skin becomes too dry it could be because this basting often. Bathe only once a week unless necessary, remember not to give consulting your doctor.

As for nails, the first few weeks are very tiny and grow quickly so they will have to be alert to, and cut at least twice a week. In this way we avoid the baby being scratched or injured. The baby nail cutters are the most practical, as well as nail scissors, with blunt tip.

A good time to do it is usually after showering, always bearing in mind that toenails require less care because they are soft and do not grow as fast.

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