Thursday, February 2, 2012

Caring for your baby's pacifier

The pacifier is one of the most difficult habits to break, and requires large doses of persuasion and patience on the part of parents. It is a discussion for years, if babies should use it or not, but it is a habit that is more ingrained in some societies.

Caring for you to consider:

Never use a pacifier sweet anointing in solutions, and avoid tooth decay.

No need to put the pacifier if it falls back during sleep.

Keep it clean and change it periodically.

For safety it is desirable that the pacifier attached to this child with chains, belts, or fastened with pins, as could cause discomfort or hurt.

It is advisable to restrict the use while the child goes to sleep.

Once you leave you definitely need to throw it, not save it or give it away toilet.

Avoid use if your child has otitis long.

It is recommended that the child leave between 2 and 3 years, and its use should be declining over time, as they begin to move and roam, because these activities keep them distracted, and make them forget constantly sucking. By contrast, children tend to use for periods sedentary longer than the rest.

I hope these tips will help serve at the time take away the pacifier to your baby, if things get complicated remember you can always use your pediatrician to professionals for advice that will surely finish will serve to take away the pacif

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