Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Councils of women who are already mothers

When a woman becomes a mother faces many challenges and new feelings, as they say many people: nobody knows how it feels to have a child to live! And it certainly is quite true! Both your mother and even your grandmothers, aunts and friends who have gone through that, begin to give you advice on what to do and what not with your baby and to yourself. From here come the advices of women who are mothers.

Follow these simple steps when women who are mothers who give you advice: taking the best of what they talk you, appreciates and values ​​provided that care about you and your baby because they do it with love to you, always with good intention, then listening to think that you agree with that and if you want to put into practice some of the tips, if you decide not to, just thanks and try not to hurt the person you advised, but always have patience.

Sometimes, you get to the other end, your mom or mother can pass the limit and try to impose yourself to do something with her ​​grandson as they say, you mean to care, charge, dress as they wish, but think that care for you, because women who are moms trying to convey their experiences to those who are new at this stage. Do not be upset if they try to help, but if you let them see how you're doing things, that you settle with the most and you are now the mother of that little boy and gradually will more experience in their care, the most important thing is not to be angry and set limits.

We comment on this because some moms feel scolded or forced to do something they do not want and do not know how that feel uncomfortable with this situation, but if your mother or mother you are firm in your act will avoid hurting the other person and respect your decision, think about your mom can follow you around looking like a little girl and only wants to help.

Another point to make is that sometimes mothers or mothers-in of new mothers for example, say you do not feel or lie down so the baby is very small, then you as a mom say, his doctor told me that he could do this with the baby. That is a very important point, do as the doctor say because they studied many years about babies and although the mothers or grandmothers have a lot of practice, are not experts in these studies, it is best to always guide the pediatrician, listen and take the advice you convince women who are mothers.

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