Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Baby 15 Inches! "From the 13th to the 16th week"

In this quarter begin to develop the senses of sight, taste and touch. In his little world receives information on file in his head. From time to time are encouraged to take a short walk from one end to another of the uterus ... And you can start to notice!

 With a sensitivity of surface: this is the best definition to describe the time your baby is experiencing. At this stage developed the sense of touch, is able to distinguish the flavors and is susceptible to sudden sounds that frighten you. Even see the light reaches. Try not to bother him much.

13th week

Go up! It measures 12 cm and weighs 65 g. This week, the diameter of the baby's head will grow 4 mm. The mouth opens and closes and tries sucking movements, swallowing some amniotic fluid expelled as urine. Continues to form the skeleton and joints work already: for example, can bend the arm at the elbow and wrist. It is also capable of separating the toes and clench his fist, and can even turn your head, open mouth and to press your lips, but these movements are still controlled by the brain. In the skin is formed a dark-colored pigment melanin.

14th week

Touch me and see. The sense of touch begins to develop in the baby. This occurs because the epidermis was placed in small papillae containing touch corpuscle. It measures 14 cm and weighs about 110 g. His head has a diameter of 3.6 cm and is no longer resting on the neck but remains lifted. The intestine, which has expanded substantially, begins to return to the abdominal cavity, which is something bigger. The thyroid gland has begun to function, making sure the thyroid hormone that the baby, among other things, proper growth. The baby looks very thin, as it has no fat layer characteristic of babies. But from now on will grow rapidly until birth. This development affects the volume of the mother's body, noticing how, little by little, is gaining weight.

15th week

Breath testing. The baby moves in the amniotic fluid, although you perhaps do not even notice their movements. Its size is 16 cm and weighs 135 g. The lungs have not fully formed. In fact it is the organ that the longer it takes to do so. Neither function organ of breathing and they will not even be born, since oxygen comes through the placenta, which acts as a huge tank of oxygen and umbilical cord, by passing the lungs. But they do produce pseudo movements respiratory whose mission is to practice, so that once the baby rears its head in this world the lungs to expand. What it does have? It is own blood circulation at this time, the heart pumps the equivalent of 25 liters of blood a day.

16th week

What up! With 160 g and about 18 cm in length (if possible with this size could cradle her in the palm of your hand) begin to be ears on the sides of the head and eyes are very close, almost to the distance they will have at birth. The retina is sensitive to light and, if open eyes could see. The entire body is covered with fuzz called lanugo, which will fall when the time of birth. But more significant is that you can already feel how it moves within the stirred slightly, like a fluttering butterfly. Pay attention to this movement, though it may seem incredible, it's your baby!

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