Monday, March 5, 2012

The first time the baby is left with the babysitter

When this time comes we become moms thousands of questions , although the child will be staying only a few hours with her, it is best that the child has contact with his nurse, in our presence, and from there go to adapting, she can stay in charge of your care in our absence.

The ideal is to let your child spend time with the nanny for several days before being left alone, but if not possible, the best, is that it is done this a few hours earlier to get familiar with the baby before you leave.


Keep your child on your lap while talking to the babysitter. Look for clues that are calm before the nanny face you. Expect your child is one who seeks or who is playing quietly
Ask the nurse to talk with your child while you are still loaded, but not too close to touch him or trying to load it.

When the baby seems comfortable with the situation leave it on the floor between the nanny and you with her ​​favorite toy, invite the sitter to approach little by little until they both end up playing with the toy. If your child seems comfortable in his company, you can go withdrawing slowly.

To reinforce the previous point, note that if you leave the room where the child playing with a sitter, if the baby does not notice his absence, that's a signal that can be removed safely.

This can be applied in any situation where you have to leave the child in the house of a relative, or meet people you have not seen, or not in the everyday environment of our son. Many times adults unintentionally try to hold the baby or make funny noises, away from the mom and they do not find it pleasant, because he needs time to get to know people and is very likely to react if approached too or away from thei

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