Friday, March 9, 2012

How to feel and think our baby

Parents know very well that our behavior directly affects our baby, if we laughed the flooded be welcomes, if your quarrel is misbehaving because he is sad. Parents are the focus of our children.

Research has shown that during the first three years of life the child's brain grows and develops significantly and during this time to define the basic patterns of thought and response. This means that as parents we have the special opportunity to help our children to develop properly and mature socially, emotionally, and physically, since the early years mark a lifetime.

For years mistakenly thought to be the brain of the newborn was a replica of their parents, so it was argued that if the mother was good at math, so his son would surely, inheriting the talents of their parents, although the genetic has its role in determining the skills and abilities of a child, recent research emphasizes that the environment that develops plays an equally important role. Neuroscience in recent years has shown that the experiences that fill the first few days, months and years of a baby has an impact on the development of your brain and affects the rest of his life.

To do our baby needs: Feeling special, loved and valued, feeling sure of himself and the environment, grow in a predictable environment, parents need to guide you in a constant balance between freedom, discipline, and limits on which follow, in which various places, games, exploration, books, music and toys appropriate for learning by example.

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