Saturday, March 10, 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of bottle feeding

There is no doubt that breastfeeding is the best way to feed our baby, but despite recognizing its advantages, both mothers and fathers may think that feeding with bottle, gives the mother more freedom and more time to devote to her young son and the tasks related to their care.

The bottle well mom let other family members feed the baby, father, grandparents and even older siblings, favoring other links, and may contain the same formula or breast milk without, which the mother is present. This not only provides greater flexibility to the mother, but also represents a good opportunity for other family members to strengthen their relationship with the baby.

There are other reasons that can lead a couple to choose the bottle , because you know exactly how much food your child eats and need not worry about the diet of the mother or by the drugs they consume.

The manufacturers of infant formula have not yet found a way to reproduce the components of breast milk, so that makes it unique, but the formula provides the nutrients an infant needs, the only difference is that it lacks the antibodies and components that only mother's milk contains.

The formula is also costly and this may represent an inconvenience for some families, it has to be bought and prepared (unless you use ready-made milks, which are more expensive yet) This means having to make trips to the kitchen midnight and have several bottles, bottles and cutlery, and contamination of the preparation itself, which also represents a potential risk if not properly.

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