Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The arrival of brother

The birth of the first baby of the family is often a great event. All families are scrambling to hold the baby, feed or play with him. This situation of excessive attention spans a few years, but the arrival of second son will cause a complete change of attitude that the child will notice and suffer.

In this approach involuntary sibling jealousy arise. The eldest brother feels the unborn steal your love and attention that were once theirs, so that the attitude of parents and family is very important to avoid conflict and depression in the infant.

The importance of care

When the child is jealous of his brother, shows some signs of alarm. Usually when people are upset with the new baby or spend hours attending to it, commits mischief that had not done to attract attention or behave like a baby thinking that can compete.

Okay scold the child when he does something bad to get attention, but do not be too severe. On the contrary, we must strengthen the affection felt for him, so be aware that not to do anything to get attention.

A great responsibility

One way to help children assimilate the arrival of his younger brother is involving them in the care of the child, age-appropriate tasks.

When the child feels that looking after her brother and parents are giving him a great responsibility, you feel that you have confidence and affection.

Shared care

While spending hours watching, attending and cuddling the baby is pretty tempting, we should pay equal attention to the firstborn, and it really resent the lack of parental attention and family.

Share this with both at once, look for ways to involve them and spend time with each one separately. The child also missed to talks alone with mom or dad.

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