Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Before conception, men should leave the parties

And in times past I have commented on some things that men need to do before trying to conceive a baby, because as women we need to prepare our body, mind and home, they must also do to succeed.

The festivities end for women as soon as you start to try to get pregnant, but for men too. The sperm is affected by both the snuff, alcohol and drugs as the eggs, so much so that some experts say that this trio can reduce sperm count and decrease mobility.

That means that the man should be cut at all recreational drugs like marijuana and cocaine, reduce the amount of alcohol and quit smoking before trying to conceive. Besides cutting out those habits can help the family later, because the secondhand smoke is dangerous for both the woman and baby in the womb and after birth.

Another danger for the sperm could be in the workplace. Regular exposure to chemicals such as organic solvents, which are found in dry cleaning and car washing, and pesticides can make conception more difficult.

These chemicals can alter the composition of the sperm, leading to birth defects and birth prematurely. Given that it takes three months for the sperm develop and mature completely, avoid contact with these chemicals at least three months before trying to get pregnant.

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