Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Caring for baby's skin

The skin of the baby is extremely delicate. During the first years of life is thinner and has less hair to protect her. Furthermore, any external element absorbs more easily. Therefore, you should have care special.

Protection against infection and allergies

For the above characteristics, the newborn's skin is more prone to infections. To avoid them, avoid exposure to external factors too aggressive, taking extreme measures and cleaning away the baby of possible allergens.

Grooming your baby is especially important at this stage. When you change the diaper needs to be cleaned very well the child, and care that it is not any debris or moisture in the folds. This could cause irritation or infection.

Hydration and other care

During this stage, be used for bathing and caring neutral products, specially designed for baby's delicate skin.

When buying clothing, cotton is preferable, to allow easy breathing. If it is hot, cool the child is important to keep the sweat irritate it, and do not expose to the sun without protection, as this could cause severe burns in minutes.

It is important to consult your doctor about the right products for your baby's skin, especially when going to switch to a new cosmetic.

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