Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Teach children to wash their hands

When your son is old enough to go to the bathroom alone and use the potty by itself, it is also old enough to imitate what their parents do after using the bathroom. For that I bring you some tips to get kids to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

You let him see your usual routine to go to the bathroom, including you see the way you wash your hands. If your child sees you doing that, you may begin to associate the cleaning of hands with the process of using the bathroom. Do you reach the sink with a small stool and help it with water and soap.

To reinforce this behavior, you can give him a reward like a sticker, a star in a table of duties or a hug. We recommend using separate rewards for toilet or urinal to wash the hands, so if you do one thing well, but not the other, yet feel you've accomplished something.

To make it more fun, you can designate a special paper or some towels to be used after hand washing after using the bathroom. After a while, wash your hands after using the bathroom will become automatic. You should also teach them to wash their hands before eating and you must be a good model to do it too.

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