Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When moderate or stop exercising in pregnancy

Sometimes getting exercise during pregnancy is strictly prohibited to protect the health of the mother, baby and or both. Therefore it is recommended that the mother discuss with your doctor before you start, continue or change their exercise regimen.

A large majority of doctors prohibit aerobic exercise if the mother suffers from: heart disease, lung disease, cervical insufficiency, pregnancy multiple twins or triplets as if you are at risk of preterm delivery, persistent bleeding in the second or third trimester, placenta after 26 weeks, delivery, premature rupture of membranes or as the breaking of water.

Also some other diseases such as preeclampsia, high blood pressure induced by pregnancy, chronic hypertension and severe anemia are a matter for your doctor to forbid aerobic exercise. However, you should ask exactly the things you have banned and the intensity and duration of other activities if you can do. It is quite possible you can do limited exercise and routines to strengthen your back or arms.

There are also some symptoms that may have while you're exercising in pregnancy you may indicate you should stop immediately and go to the doctor, such as vaginal bleeding, dizziness, shortness of breath, headache, chest pain, muscle weakness calf pain or swelling that may indicate a clot in the legs, pain in the back or pelvis, contractions, decreased fetal movement, fluid leaking from the vagina and rapid heartbeat or palpitations, even when not being exercising.

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