Friday, March 16, 2012

Burns and choking

As our babies grow and acquire skills , their movements make them more individual, with our collaboration and control in a safe environment grow, so we should never overlook some things that may not seem important but when it comes to care our son, prevent complications and expose him to danger.


Never load your child while smoking, (in fact should not smoke around him), if you are drinking something hot, or cooking on the stove or oven.

Just as you should not smoke near it, do not allow anyone else to do either.

Before putting your child to always check bath water temperature with the inside of the wrist elbow or forearm.

Never heat the milk the baby (later no other food) in the microwave, remember that the heat penetrates the inside out and even what may seem cold, the inside may be hot, causing burns to the baby. You test them before giving them to the child.


Children when they grow they put everything in their mouth, Routinely check all toys for your child, looking for sharp edges or parts that may come off or break, so avoid accidents.

If your child has a gym, a mobile or other hanging toy attached to the crib, make sure it is secure so it can not descolgarlos or get tangled in them.

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