Friday, March 16, 2012

Cognitive development of the baby of 8 months

When the baby reaches 8 months is a child, wide awake, and that everything is a world that wants to discover, begins to help himself exploring objects in various ways, stirring or agitating, hitting, throwing or simply dropping them. It is attractive to find hidden objects, and usually do very easily you can watch an image correctly when you said it is among other things.

It also begins to speak, pronouncing syllables separated or small words, like father, mother, given. And is dedicated to looking around to practice communication, mimicking our gestures. Her little hands have already acquired some strength and coordination in their movements, so it takes objects correctly as drinking glass, a comb or brush, to comb, and certainly if you are fond of the music has learned to stand on its own headphones and enjoy the rhythm of what you hear.

While all this is amazing about child development, attention is still very limited, so that soon gets bored of what you are doing and change activity, going from 3 to 5 minutes playing with a toy and instantly that watching another, there goes behind a new challenge.

Around 12 months the child can stand alone, but most of the time alone will be a little body movement in search of new experiences and discoveries, and many others need your help to do so. Anyway it is a stage in which the child will have fun playing with household objects, so do not be surprised to see him playing with the can of corn, or with what you use in the kitchen, you should always take care that are nothings, can damage it, but enjoy these objects more than those expensive toys that manufacturers create for the children of this age. Do not be surprised when you see that there are snooping in drawers, emptying the trash, or checking the cupboards.

All these experiments performed thus far in its path has begun to move, are part of this beautiful stage of growth in which parents must participate responsibly and help.

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