Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bottle or breast, what should I give?

The longer we are mothers, we asked this question, but ... what is the correct answer? The choice is yours mama! Before giving birth and you ought to be resolved and will feed your baby.

Definitely breastfeed your child is as healthy for both, the formula is not identical to human milk, but it's very nutritious and healthy. Both approaches are safe for your baby's growth, but each has its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of breastfeeding are more than obvious, its very, and cost, but in turn has medical benefits, if you breastfeed your baby, you are passing it right through the milk lot of natural antibodies, which are responsible for helping to resist certain types of infections.

Babies who are breastfed are less likely to develop allergies, those who consume products made ​​from cow's milk. Your dear mother of the emotional benefits, that we have during lactation. When the milk comes and this circle is normalized, both mother and infant, feel the closeness, and connection really indescribable, deep emotion and welfare, creating a bond that will remain throughout the child's infancy.

If you can not breastfeed your child, or simply prefer not to, you can replace this feeling every time you feed with a bottle hugging him, filling him with tenderness and cuddling, caressing, or simply rocking stay connected while watching it feeds on eyes, your doctor also can give you good advice. The feeding is a unique moment of union with his mother who carries both, making it a pleasant experience intense, regardless of the container of milk.

Now Mom, if nothing prevents you from feeding your baby, don’t stop, breast milk is the best food and medicine for the prevention of many diseases, is free, and more than pleasant, please consult with your specialist.

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