Tuesday, February 14, 2012


During the eruption of teeth, your baby may feel some discomfort. In the most fortunate, only produces some pain and discomfort, making you uncomfortable and cry, but in other cases may have a fever, diarrhea, ear pain, and vomiting.

As you start to notice unusual symptoms should see a pediatrician. The determine of  teeth is discomfort or a viral condition.

Medical treatment

Since the relationship between the dentition and presented symptoms is unclear, medication focuses on relieving these symptoms side.

The treatments are often prescribed in these cases are analgesics to relieve pain and fever reducers baby to reduce fever.

Home Tips

There are several steps you can take home to alleviate the discomfort associated with teething. In the market there are several toys designed for baby to chew on during this process, and thus relieve the itching that often occurs in the mouth.

Some of these chew toys are designed to drive in the freezer before giving it to baby. Thus, the cold will numb the gums in which pain is felt.

You can also feed cold things like water, milk, jams and baby food that have been awhile in the fridge. Cold is good to soothe gums during teething.

Other alternatives

Some mothers prefer to treat their children with homeopathic medicine, usually feel good baby. However, it is worth consulting a doctor before following these recommendations.

The drops of Belladonna, Chamomilla and Pulsatilla have great analgesic and antiinflammatory properties, which can relieve your baby's gums, remember that you should always obtain advice from a pediatrician if things get out of hand.

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