Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Reasons for child abuse

Sometimes mothers are watching their young preschool play with others when suddenly look like they hit another boy in the nose. And of course a matter for concern, but few parents know that at this age this is a normal part of development.

Many children at this age take the toys from their peers, hit, kick, and scream to turn blue. In some cases this has to do with fear, a normal reaction when children feel trapped by others, for example, or when they feel they are taking something that is theirs.

In other cases it has to do with the circumstances they are living in the moment. For example, at that age are learning new things like using scissors, and talk a bit more complex sentences, which can sometimes cause frustration that can lead to blows, and kicks.

And if, for example, is the first time they go to preschool or day care until now are getting used to being away from home, which may make them feel abandoned and resentful feelings that discharge into other kids who are constantly around. Or simply, just might be tired and hungry and could not use all the words, they respond by biting, hitting, and kicking.

The good news is that small usually reach this stage sooner or later, as they learn that it is better than to use words instead of fists and feet. The key is to teach them to get better results by talking when you have a problem doing so with aggression. In the next post I will give some tips for dealing with childhood aggression.

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