Saturday, December 17, 2011

The link to the newborn

The newborn is a completely helpless, dependent entirely on their parents. Without their care and affection could not survive. That feeds into it a feeling of confidence that has been consolidated over the first year and is of vital importance. If the child can trust the caregivers will not see the world as a threatening place and also learn to trust others. For this to happen, give the baby what he needs at all times.

The baby needs someone with him that is sensitive to their demands and to transmit affection and security. This person is usually the mother. Between her and the newborn there is a strong bond that is established even before birth. When the relationship between them is strong and robust, the baby feels comfortable and secure, and become confident.

Friday, December 16, 2011

The baby and parents confidence in

The confidence that the baby placed in their parents, and especially the mother, has its origin in the gestation period and is expressed from the beginning.

• The baby arrives in a strange place where all that is familiar is the heartbeat of the mother and her voice (also the father if he spoke in pregnancy).

• The p earliest days, the child thanks to hear those memories of the past that provide security and are like a bridge between the inner world and the outside again. So many babies are calmed by just hearing my mother.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Trouble sleeping in the first trimester of pregnancy

Said to be better than pregnant women get used to not sleeping much, because the usual discomforts like nausea, reflux and the constant need to urinate will not. Most women have trouble sleeping at some point in the pregnancy. In this article I bring some things that will not let you sleep during the first quarter.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, begin to feel sleepy during the day. This need to take naps is caused by high levels of progesterone, a female hormone that helps regulate the reproductive cycle, but also has a sedative effect. Besides making you feel tired also can make you feel a bit bad, as if you were starting a cold.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tips to establish a routine with your baby

The form a regular routine for sleeping, eating and other activities can make life much easier for both you and your baby. The question is: how to start? To do this in this article I present some guidelines for establishing a routine that works.

First you have to get your baby used to a routine to go to bed early age, around two months. Once you achieve a sleep routine, the routine during the day will be easier. The easiest way to do this is to establish a regular time to go to bed you and your baby can continue night after night.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Normal concerns of pregnant women

It is very common for mothers to worry about everything, starting on the baby in the womb, through the opinions of others and the status of your child's room when unborn. So here I bring you some of the things common by mothers who care and should not be.

Do not worry if you can not do everything you planned for each day. The baby is not going to realize that the house is not fixed to one hundred percent.

Remember that every problem has a solution, and to trust someone who is close to you or you think you can offer help or support is to step forward. Do not be afraid to talk to your partner or someone close.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Should be a good father or a good mother

The decision of parenting is one that has a great impact on life as we know, so first it is important to sit down and think and ask ourselves some questions, we can to help you discover if parenthood is something we want and for what we have the skills. Then I bring you other questions.

Questions about your family history can help access feelings that may be clouding our decision. Very often, penalties unrecognized and unresolved early loss gets in the way to make important decisions such as parenting.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sex in the morning to get pregnant

Many people say that to get pregnant quickly and effectively it is best to have sex in the morning, as soon the two partners have been awakened. So here I bring what some experts think of this popular belief.

Although some studies indicate that sperm count is higher in the morning, the differences are really minimal, so it does not matter much when trying to get pregnant. For example, say your partner count up from 87 million to 88 million overnight in the morning, something that might sound like a lot, but does not change much in the way practice. After all it only takes one to do all the work.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tips for your nanny

The first time the nanny works for you, ask him to come half an hour before the time that you have to go. This gives you more time to know about you, your home and, of course, your son. You could even ask him to come a few days earlier and play with your child while you're at home.

Give him all the information you can, from emergency phone number to what you can not play in the refrigerator. Show how locks work from home, and make sure you know where are all thing. In particular, you can take the place of change diapers and show where they are all things.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Looking for a nanny

If until now you're starting to find a babysitter, fear not, there are many ways to find a qualified person to care for your child. Good strategies include putting a message on your social network, call nannies and professional agencies advertise in the newspapers and Internet forums.

Ways to choose the nanny may vary depending on your needs. If your baby is going to be alone with the nanny, you start with someone old enough and mature. The Organization of the Red Cross says parents should not choose someone less than eleven years to care for his son, although some experts have greater caution and suggest that anyone is ready to nurse before fourteen.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Listen to your body during labor

A number of researchers say it is time to reconsider the conventional forms of bid. They believe that many women do their best to let their bodies tell them how and when to bid and although sometimes led bid may be helpful, should not be a chore.

In most situations it is best to wait until you feel the urge to push, so with or without epidural anesthesia.

If you have that kind of anesthesia, but without the urge to push, you should wait one hour or two until you're fully dilated or until the baby's head is too low in your pelvis, before you start pushing. Patience often makes wonders, but sometimes you need some assistance to bid effectively.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

That is it mastitis, care and prevention

Mastitis is an infection of the sinuses, causing bacterial origin of inflammation, itching and pain, usually in one of the breasts or a part of it, can cause fever and malaise. If you notice you have these symptoms tell your doctor as soon as possible to begin treatment with antibiotics.

Do not forget to remind here that is going to continue breastfeeding her child to prescribe medication that does not affect breastfeeding, and do not stop taking the medicine even if you feel better, do not stop breast feeding her child, and that this will only worsen the mastitis and increase the pain it causes him.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Care of the baby at the end of the first month of life

We have been commenting on the development of the first month of the baby and how it will evolve as it grows day by day as we must pay attention to when we go to the pediatric consultation, discuss with your doctor.

These items can guide you if during the second, third or fourth week of life the baby will submit any of these signs of developmental delay, to inform the doctor so you can help.

Chupa with little force and feeds slowly.

No flashes at a bright light.

It does not focus on nearby objects or follow them to move from one side to another.

Tips for correctly give the bottle

Feeding your baby should be a truly relaxing and enjoyable for both, since it is a moment of connection, where you can take the opportunity to show their love and convey emotions.

If you are nervous and do not put enough interest, or else is calm and confident your child may perceive these feelings and this could affect infant feeding adequate.

To give the bottle is probably more convenient in a chair with arms, should carry the baby in a semi-upright position and holding his head. Do not give a bottle when lying on a flat surface, because it could choke, or milk could get into the middle ear causing infection.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Phototherapy, care for billirubin

We have discussed the billirubin is produced, because they break the old red blood cells at birth but over the days and times do not usually leave the baby becomes much more yellowish, the consultation is likely that the pediatrician, we recommend, put it behind the deadlight to sunbathe, with proper care, but if they did not reach, surely recommend you have to do a little light therapy.

Not to lower the levels of billirubin can damage severely the baby's nervous system, the child will undertake blood tests to determine the cause of jaundice, and then begin treatment.

Phototherapy involves exposing the baby to radiation of type lamps fluorescent for a day or two, until the liver is mature enough to metabolize excess billirubin, sunlight would have the same effect, but not strong enough , to cause the desired response.

Jaundice happens when the baby turns yellow

Many normal, healthy infants have a yellow color in your skin the first days of life, this condition is called physiologic jaundice, and it is because the blood contains too much billirubin, a chemical that forms during the normal breakdown of old blood cells.

In newborns, this matter often quite high, due to increased red blood cell in your liver at the time of birth, even immature having difficulty processing the excess billirubin.

If the billirubin level increases more than it first appears on the face, then chest and then the abdomen, finally in the legs, usually gradually increase, and decreases with every passing day without some sort necessary treatment.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baby's health, alert to consider

During the first week of life, there are disorders that are common treasuries, but should not be overlooked and consult a doctor.

Abdominal distention: The baby's belly should always feel soft to the touch, we should pay attention to the depositions, and has no vomiting. Most likely to be gas or constipation, but we must be careful to avoid more serious intestinal problems.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The father and the baby's arrival

This time we will refer to parents who are no less important than mothers, who took our baby in nine months, since their task is equal to ours but different.

We know that during this period despite not having loaded the child in her womb, had to adjust physically and emotionally to this situation and participate in different ways as he approached the delivery date. On the one hand it may happen that has taken exception to the birth of the child, and to bring it to the world was the work of the mother, but on the other side is his son, who is part of him.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Spitting, and prevent them

Feeding your baby is one of the most important challenges and often disconcerting that we meet the parents, so that the advice or knowledge that we gain during pregnancy and whenever we are presented with something unfamiliar, are very important to make this moment, an instant pleasure and communication with our son.

Spitting is another constant that occurs in infancy, sometimes because the child has eaten over allowing its small stomach sometimes occurs when gases are removed, can be annoying, but not cause for concern as it is normal to happen.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Acne in babies often occurs

That's not enough, the baby acne is very common and may be present from birth, but more often appears a few weeks later, usually on the cheeks and in other cases on the forehead, chin and even on the back.

These small grains may be surrounded by the skin red and may become more pronounced when your baby is overheated or upset, and if your skin is irritated by saliva, traces of milk or fabrics that are too rough or have been washed with detergents.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

All about the amniocentesis

This procedure helps the doctor to detect the possibility of genetic, metabolic or neurological disorders in developing fetus.

When doing this?

Since amniocentesis presents minimal risk of abortion, from less than 1% is indicated only for special cases where it is important to confirm the health of the baby. If the mother is over 35 years, have a family history of genetic problems or be a carrier of any of them, it is best to perform this test for early detection of fetal abnormalities.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The importance of stem cells

Today, parents of a newborn have a new medical option available to prevent and treat future illnesses of the child: the storage of umbilical cord stem cells.

The cells are stored in the umbilical cord at the time of birth are similar to those of the child's bone marrow , so that may mean a future treatment of diseases such as leukemia, lymphomas, any infectious or hematological.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Alcohol in lactation, myths and truths

There are many things to talk about breastfeeding and alcohol and that some increase milk production, others decrease and to what extent, it is good to take them in moderation. So here you are commented some facts and answers on this subject.

One of the most common questions is whether the baby may be affected, if the mother drinks wine or beer. The answer is that everything depends on how much alcohol and the time you drink. alcohol levels in blood and milk are usually highest about an hour and a half after the last drink , although these levels vary from person to person.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Toys for newborns

During the first months, the baby will be eager to experiment with their environment. Toys are the best way to stimulate the senses, but must be careful in choosing type of toy for children.

Some of these toys are ideal for the first six months:

Musical mobiles for the crib: there are several models, with various motifs and characters. Stimulate the eyes and ears of the baby, find it very entertaining besides.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Implications of extended breastfeeding

On the Internet you can find diffusers groups extended breastfeeding in all countries. At the same time, you will find hundreds of critics who argue for physical, psychological and moral. Scientifically, the last word has not yet been spoken.

Means prolonged breastfeeding that which is over two years old child. Although breastfeeding is medically necessary to at least six months, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) recommends it for two years or more.

Breast milk provides baby nutrients and defenses that protect against disease and help correct growth. It also creates a bond of trust and confidence between the infant and mother.

Friday, November 25, 2011

What to do when our babies cry?

When the baby cries moms we despair, trying to find why? This happens for multiple functions, so the child tells us when hungry, dirty, or is upset. Allow you to disconnect from sounds or visions too intense for him.

Sometimes that happen crying spells for no reason, and you will notice that after them, are more alert and then stay awhile to deeply asleep. It seems that these cries for no reason, help burn the baby their surplus energy, and allowing calming sleep.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Process of storing umbilical cord blood

In recent years more and we become more familiar terms bank, blood and umbilical cord and every day we know more people close to decide to keep this blood sample after birth, so it can be used in the future. Today we explain what are the bank of the umbilical cord blood and how to do the procedure.

Storing cord blood is a procedure in which blood that remains in the baby's cord and placenta is removed, frozen and stored to be used medically in the future. This process is painless, very safe for both mother and child and does not interfere with the plans of birth or parent's decision to cut the cord.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why babies cry

All babies cry, no way around it is one of the ways they communicate, as your baby can not simply tell you what happens. It can be a little difficult at first, but a large part of  parenting is trial and error, and soon learn to anticipate the needs of your child, you understand what you want and so leave to mourn. However, I want to help and so here we bring you some reasons why your baby may be crying.

Hungry: Once you learn to recognize signs that your baby wants to eat , such as being uncomfortable, make sounds or search your chest when you lift, you can feed it before it begins to mourn. But until that happens, it's a good idea to check if you are hungry when you are crying. The milk can not stop her tears away, but let him eat as much as you want. It stop once your stomach is full.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Likely to become pregnant during lactation

There are many myths about the possibilities of getting pregnant while you are breastfeeding. Many say there is no possibility to conceive at this time, while others do not have the security of having sex during that time. So here I bring what experts say and some recommendations.

The answer to the question of whether you can get pregnant during breastfeeding is: yes. In general, it is less fertile but not infertile at that time. Although you may not get your period for months after giving birth, your body usually releases its first egg before it reaches the period.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The gas gets fussy baby

Small babies are restless by nature, and as they grow, they acquire more skills, but at the age that is, they get very upset if they swallow air when sucking, this can occur whether you take the bottle, as if fed with the breast. Is more common in the first case (bottle).

When this happens it is best to stop taking the child to breathe quietly, if not swallow more air, which would increase their sense of discomfort and may come to regurgitate (then we'll talk about it).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hiccup, while breast-feeding advice

Most babies hiccup from time to time, it always worries her mother that the child, but to happen while you are feeding could be really nasty.

The advice in these cases is to change the baby's position, try to burp, to release gases, which oppress the diaphragm, and do it to relax. Wait a few minutes before continuing feeding, if the hiccups do not go away in 5 to 0 minute, add a little water in the bottle may help.