Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Food safety in children 24 months to 3 years

After two years of age reduces the risks associated with food. While still small and have to be watched closely, the children have learned to swallow better than at the beginning and can eat all kinds of food.

Despite the good news is helpful to have some qualms with some products while not dangerous in themselves can cause some problems. For children 24 to 36 months of age, avoid sticky food and chunks to avoid a possible suffocation. Moreover, it is best to eat sitting in their chairs to eat not eating while walking or lying down while watching television. You must seek a space in which children remain attentive while eating to then concentrate on chewing and swallowing quietly.

Teach children to wash their hands

When your son is old enough to go to the bathroom alone and use the potty by itself, it is also old enough to imitate what their parents do after using the bathroom. For that I bring you some tips to get kids to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

You let him see your usual routine to go to the bathroom, including you see the way you wash your hands. If your child sees you doing that, you may begin to associate the cleaning of hands with the process of using the bathroom. Do you reach the sink with a small stool and help it with water and soap.

When moderate or stop exercising in pregnancy

Sometimes getting exercise during pregnancy is strictly prohibited to protect the health of the mother, baby and or both. Therefore it is recommended that the mother discuss with your doctor before you start, continue or change their exercise regimen.

A large majority of doctors prohibit aerobic exercise if the mother suffers from: heart disease, lung disease, cervical insufficiency, pregnancy multiple twins or triplets as if you are at risk of preterm delivery, persistent bleeding in the second or third trimester, placenta after 26 weeks, delivery, premature rupture of membranes or as the breaking of water.

Stimulation of the baby's brain growth

From the beginning of gestation until birth and then to this our baby both receive everything that surrounds it, whether we hear sounds while in the womb, the voices of their parents, etc.

To stimulate their brain growth from first to third month should consider the following items, for a completely healthy growth and development of our young son.

Give a food healthy, take it to the pediatrician for regular checkups and timely follow the recommended immunization schedule.

What to know about the polio vaccine

When vaccinating children, both mothers and infants sometimes we fear, it is clear that children do not like to be vaccinated, but thanks to this we can prevent and eradicate diseases like polio, which is a viral disease that can paralyze some muscles of the body.

It can be mild or severe depending on the affected muscles. Fortunately has been eradicated by the effects of effective vaccines to prevent disease.

Children should receive four doses of the vaccine before entering school, and there are two types of vaccines against this disease: IPV (or inactivated polio vaccine) and injected into the leg or arm, and OPV (or attenuated polio vaccine) that is taken orally as drops.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diarrhea, baby care

The diarrhea occurs when the inner cover of the intestine suffers an injury. What makes the stool softer than usual means that the ingested nutrients are not digested or absorbed properly by the intestine.

Injured tissue also tends to filter liquids, which are lost and mineral salts. These losses are compounded if your baby eats food or sugary drinks because the sugar is not absorbed, it attracts more fluid, worsening diarrhea.

If your child has vomiting followed by diarrhea within a few days, may have a viral infection in the intestinal tract.

Babies and the departure of the teeth

The little teeth of the baby usually start out at about 5 months the lower central incisors are usually the first out, followed by four to eight weeks after the four upper incisors (central and lateral) and approximately one month after the other two lower incisors. Then the first molars usually come out followed by the canines.

 If your child does not yet left any of your teeth, do not worry yet, this may be an inherited trait and not necessarily that goes wrong. The outputs of the teeth sometimes cause irritability, crying, fever things need to bite hard and cold.

Four to seven months infants and their qualities

By the fourth month, your baby can be without any wish to inconvenience the mouth, over the next four months use at once, all the fingers of his hands, to carry things like a rake, as having mittens or claws, do not use a precision grip or pliers with the thumb and forefinger.

We watch as it grows little by little and about six months and can change an object from one hand to the other, coordinate their movements and discover little by little bits of old his body, before or thought existed.

Swings and playpens, tips to keep in mind

Many parents find that the swing mechanics, especially those that can be attached to the bassinet, can calm a crying baby out of control, when all else has failed. If you plan to use one of these devices, do not place your child in the seat of the swing, but until you know just sitting (usually between 6 and 9 months).

Use only stable swings that are installed on the floor, not those that are hung from the doorways, and that could become detached and be dangerous for the child. In addition, you should not use the swing more than 30 minutes nor more than twice a day, but can calm a baby, does not replace the care that parents provide.

Walkers, care for the baby

Many associations and academies of Pediatrics do not recommend the use of baby walkers. These are advertised to children you know usually sit without problems, but still no stability for walking.

The walkers are involved in many accidents and injuries annually, so it is generally recommended to use static devices, for children who still maintain their stability.

Please note:

If you choose a walker with X-shaped frame, note that the frame, getting caught can small. Check that the walker has insurance to prevent the child can be folded while in use. Also make sure that the springs if present, have protective covers.

Foods to avoid for 12 to 24 months

As your baby grow, will want to try some food from your plate and you also want to add some variety to your diet. But not all foods are safe for your child and some may even have a choking hazard. Here I bring some things to prevent your baby from 12 to 24 months.

- Skim milk or skim: Most children need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns two years, and if no growth problems, you can start to make low-fat milk. Even if your baby is at risk for obesity or heart disease the doctor may recommend that kind of milk before this age.

Discomfort in pregnant women

Besides the physical discomfort experienced during the pregnancy, women often have to face endless questionnaires and comments on this state.

A large majority of the work going to have to endure just talk to them about her pregnancy and nothing else, so eventually the baby just want to go out and have your identity back.

They also have to receive the comments are not requested and the hands touching without asking. Several women say they get comments like "you're great!" As well as tips that have never asked and strangers playing outstanding stomach, as if they were not annoying enough with the inconveniences of the state.

Cardiovascular exercise during pregnancy

Exercise does wonders during pregnancy lifts mood, improves sleep and reduces the pain of that state. It also prepares you for childbirth by strengthening muscles and build physical fitness, as well as making it much easier to return to the good body shape after the baby is born.

The following activities are usually very safe for expectant mothers, although some may not work during the last months of pregnancy. Either way you must make sure your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

Cardiovascular exercise:

Hiking: One of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women is walking because it keeps you fit without disturbing your knees and ankles. It is also very easy to do anywhere, as it requires no equipment other than a good pair of sneakers and is safe during all nine months of pregnancy.

Tips for drying the umbilical cord

Newborn babies are a piece of cord attached to his body that falls within ten or twenty days so it should be a little careful with this part. To begin you must keep it clean and dry, and it is recommended that double the diaper just below, or buy these diapers have a special place for this, so is exposed to air and not the urine.

When that piece of umbilical cord falls off, you can see a little blood in the diaper, but that's normal. You just have to avoid bathing your baby in the tub until it falls.

In warm climates, have your baby seen only a diaper and a shirt loose to allow air to circulate and make the drying process faster. Also you should not try to pull the rope, even if it appears that is only supported by a small piece of skin.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The pacifier helps a lot when sleeping

For babies that are a great relief in suck, which goes beyond the needing to eat, pacifiers can be very useful when it comes to bedtime. If you're breastfeeding your baby, wait until you have a month old for a pacifier, to ensure that breastfeeding is well established.

The pacifier should not be used as a substitute for food. First you try to hug him, pamper, rocking and singing to fall asleep. Then put the lights down low and some soft music. When you wake up, be sure to give enough milk before passing the pacifier.

Irritation from diaper on the baby

The rash from the diaper does not always look the same. But if the diaper area of your baby is irritated and red, apparently that's what you have. Also your skin can be a bit swollen and hot when you touch.

This rash can be very moderate, as some red spots on a small area, or wide, with fine red spots that reach the stomach and legs of the child. But do not panic because handle this is part of baby care and always will happen in the first year of the baby.

Strengthen muscles during pregnancy

A good exercise for pregnancy makes you heart beat, keeps you flexible, and it makes you gain weight control and prepare your muscles without physical stress cause you or your baby. Some other exercises recommended by experts and doctors.

Some exercises for flexibility and strength are:

- Yoga: Yoga helps to keep muscles toned and flexible follow with very little, if any, impact on joints. But the best thing for your health would be combinases your yoga regime with good hiking or swimming several times a week to keep your heart working.

The best time to have another child

What is the best time to have another child? Nobody can answer that question but it is very difficult. Some say it's even harder to decide to have her first child. All this happens because you're not just talking about having a baby, but to change the whole family.

With each new child you have to think how that baby will affect your lifestyle, your finances, your work, your relationships and, of course, your other children. And if you listen to other parents know that enlarge your family means more than double for the mother and father.

How you feel good during pregnancy

Whether you've dreamed of becoming pregnant for years or if you have taken by surprise, you may have imagined what pregnancy can look and feel. As may be waiting for the changes your body will have as the baby grows, or you're afraid.

That is why in this article we bring you some tips to make you feel better during those nine months.

- Stay active: when you feel bloated and sick to your stomach, get out of bed can seem like a big challenge. But you do because even a walk of ten to fifteen minutes will leave you full of energy and a bit more like the person you were before pregnancy. There are other reasons to do a little exercise and improves muscle tone and strength in order to maintain the extra weight to be loaded.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The eyes of our baby care

At times, there babies are born with one or both tear partially or completely blocked. They usually open around the second week, when the child begins to produce the first tears, meanwhile, is a watery liquid a little mucus, tears instead of drained through the nose will begin to fall by the eyelids, this is not usually painful and ducts opened without treatment.

If the tear ducts are blocked while the tears drain as they should, you may be infected. These infections produce a secretion, whitish at the corners of the eyes, eyelashes and become sticky when dry may stick together, while the baby sleeps and then it is impossible to open their eyes.

Rashes and infections common in babies

Sometimes by lack of hygiene or other factors, babies are prone to contract more easily infections or rashes, that while they should not alarm us, are signs that we are alert and if necessary concurramos to the pediática query.

Among the most common rashes and infections in the baby are:

Seborrheic eczema (seborrheic dermatitis) is commonly known as " scab child "is the onset of flake-shaped thick crust in the baby's scalp, wash hair and brushing daily helps control this condition that often disappear on only in the early months, but otherwise, requires treatment with special shampoo that will indicate your pediatrician.

Babies, care of security

When the baby begins to grow you own learning skills, and start moving by itself turning around, or putting things in their mouths, especially his hands, which are a means by which we can contract diseases. Beyond this, there is care that we must always remember to avoid accidents.

Seat savers: Whenever you drive, your child must ride in a seat that meets all federal safety requirements and must also be properly placed in the car at this age should ride in the back seat never sit in the front seat.

The bathroom: When bathing your child, place it on a towel to prevent slipping and always hold the armpits always adjust the water temperature to avoid burns.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Recognize that your child has lice

The lice are small parasitic insects that usually live on the scalp where they hide among the hair, feed on blood, lay their eggs and repeatedly cause much itching. These insects are very common during the years of kindergarten and early school years.

You will realize head lice when they call your child's day care or school to give you the bad news, or you may notice that your child frequently scratching or rubbing your scalp, especially in the back of the head and around the ears.

But lice do not always cause itching, especially at the beginning, so the first sign that you have are the eggs of these insects, called nits in your hair. Nits are very small and a pearly white, also tend to remain firmly attached to the hair, not like dirt or pieces of skin off easily.

The most common way in which these insects are spread is through a brother or a friend who has lice. These insects just walk, so they can not jump or fly, so traveling from one head to another by direct contact. Off the scalp lice can live for a day or two and can go through pillows or hats.

It's a myth that lice are the result of poor hygiene or poverty because these insects are very egalitarian and can occur even in the largest class communities.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Why not let you eat anything during labor?

This is a question that we have many mothers, who surprise us when we have long labors from hours and hours while we expand toward the birth of our children, and we are not allowed to drink water, let alone eat some food.
 At open dilation, it is appropriate to stop drinking fluids and eating for the simple fact that everything runs its natural course, but unexpected situations can arise and have to resort to a cesarean section, although this is not as common, can to happen, and you better be in a position, since it takes when using anesthesia and the same with a full stomach, there is a danger that the mother to regurgitate and aspirate gastric contents.

Premature aging in babies due to stress during pregnancy

Genomic Instability Group of the National Cancer Research Center in Spain found that the stress you are exposed to the baby during pregnancy could accelerate its future aging.

The entity is directed by Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo, who was the sixth wing Banco Sabadell Award for Biomedical Research, aimed at young scientists.

The Basque research center 36-year career in explaining the role of DNA damage in cancer and aging, on the basis of this damage in the genetic material is probably the most universal feature present among tumors, and probably the ultimate cause of aging of living beings.

Questions to learn skills such as parents

 There are a variety of questions that can lead to a better understanding of what is required to become a parent and what it takes to be successful. If you want to discover more about yourself and identify changes needed to be parents, here I bring you some questions.

Do you spend time with children? Do you enjoy it?: Whether the answer is yes or no, can not predict how you feel with your own children , but to think them a bit you can reveal some of your assumptions and attitudes about life with children.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Strabismus in infants

In younger children, up to 6 or 8 months, inability to coordinate exactly the movements of both eyes while fixing some object, leads to the appearance of a divergent motion may suggest the existence of strabismus. If this difference persists after this period, we must think seriously about the possibility of a squint. It is therefore necessary to go to the optometrist to establish an adequate therapy.

In fact, the risk posed by the strabismus is due to the lack of convergence of the eyeballs prevents correct image fusion, that makes objects look "double" (double vision).

Born with a birth in squatting

When in vertical position, the baby does not compress the aorta and maternal blood so that it gets sent to freely. There is a basic fact in this position: the ease with which the head enters the area. The explanation is simple enough to know the mechanism of balancing the bones of the pelvis according to the position he finds women.

When crouching, there is an opening of up to 28 percent of the diameter of the channel entrance of birth and ends at the same rate when lying. An obstetrician, a prestigious and experienced, I always explained to his colleagues that this was the cause of women gave birth in taxis more easily than in hospital beds.

Spaces in the nursery

While the spatial organization of the child must respond to logical principles, autonomy and authenticity, we must not forget that the physical characteristics that predetermine the housing, and in particular the place for the child, reduce the possibilities of applying these principles.

Despite the frequent constraints imposed by the conformation of the home-and location of windows, doors, heaters, etc. - Is more important to organize properly the overall space to find a brilliant solution to the details, which may be waived if necessary. Rather than placing the different items of furniture, be concerned in the space between them, ie... the surface which can provide the child: this space is the relationship between the objects present and itself.

Dealing with crying

 For the child it is gratifying that their parents are able to stay calm in difficult times,

Sometimes when the baby is upset, instead of trying to stop his crying by all means you need is a person that simply being with him and keep quiet. Someone who has held while crying or sit next to her crib and stay there, quietly, stroking his head. That reassures him a lot.

However, the inconsolable crying of a child and not knowing how to appease parents can make them explode despair and nerves. So instead of tenderness and affection, the child receives a demonstration of anger (for interrupting your sleep, impotence giving not know what to do). Naturally, the infant perceives the change, though I can not understand the meaning of words, he realizes that his voice is different, note that the hands are not so delicate that the attitude is not as affectionate as ever ... But That does not make you lose confidence, recognizing the situation as a slip.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Making the decision to become parents

With all the romantic ideas that float in the environment of children and their parents, almost no one has a realistic idea of what being a parent before they become one. So before making the decision to become parents, you can take a look at the reality tending the baby of a friend or relative for a night.

Being parents is not for everyone, maybe never wanted to have children or have other ambitions that would make child care impossible to perform. And indeed there are many people who have children, but fail to complain because their achievements with those long dreamed.

But equally, many people are surprised by how much they love being parents, even many women who had the idea of not having them, but when they no longer imagine life without their children. Also women in particular, hoping to become mothers grow.

From the wrists to the baby shower, girls and women are always surrounded by images and expectations of the parents, friends, religion, advertising and media. But the decision to become a parent does not depend on your mother, father, friends, church or the expectations with which they grew up. Either way is your life and only you can choose what to do with it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Give love to the newborn

A common scenario is when parents get frustrated because the child has eaten well, has slept much, its tail is dry ... and continues to mourn. And is that sometimes we forget, that the baby's needs are not only physical but also emotional. For example, a newborn may protest because they feel alone and calls her mother (body contact is so important and vital as food).

The baby is not born with decision-making and experiences you are given, if no adult who wishes to communicate with him, falls off and sad, and this gap can mark it for life in the affective area. It's like not putting a fertilizer plant: it grows, but not equally.

Ways to bid at the time of delivery

One of the key moments during the birth of a baby and one of the biggest concerns is inexperienced mothers when giving birth, and particularly when to push the baby out without any problems during childbirth natural.

There are two ways to push, which is usually what mothers do to help their babies to pass through the channel during the second stage of giving birth. One is the most practiced, called the bid directed, which are instructed to do, so once you are fully dilated and did not feel or urge. It also gives you instructions on how to push.

The arrival of brother

The birth of the first baby of the family is often a great event. All families are scrambling to hold the baby, feed or play with him. This situation of excessive attention spans a few years, but the arrival of second son will cause a complete change of attitude that the child will notice and suffer.

In this approach involuntary sibling jealousy arise. The eldest brother feels the unborn steal your love and attention that were once theirs, so that the attitude of parents and family is very important to avoid conflict and depression in the infant.

Caring for baby's skin

The skin of the baby is extremely delicate. During the first years of life is thinner and has less hair to protect her. Furthermore, any external element absorbs more easily. Therefore, you should have care special.

Protection against infection and allergies

For the above characteristics, the newborn's skin is more prone to infections. To avoid them, avoid exposure to external factors too aggressive, taking extreme measures and cleaning away the baby of possible allergens.

Before conception, men should leave the parties

And in times past I have commented on some things that men need to do before trying to conceive a baby, because as women we need to prepare our body, mind and home, they must also do to succeed.

The festivities end for women as soon as you start to try to get pregnant, but for men too. The sperm is affected by both the snuff, alcohol and drugs as the eggs, so much so that some experts say that this trio can reduce sperm count and decrease mobility.

Diet during pregnancy

Many mothers during pregnancy want to continue staying thin and not gain weight when they give birth to have the same body they had before conceiving, so many are engaged in dieting. However, this can have consequences and not be very healthy for either mother or baby.

Experts say it is not safe to diet during pregnancy, because it passed to the baby do the same hunger that you have. The usual recommendation is to earn between eleven and twelve kilos during pregnancy, and even women who are overweight should not try to lose weight in that state.

Reasons to bottle feed your baby

We can not say enough all the health benefits of breastfeeding babies. And if you and your child are healthy and able, you should give a try to breastfeed for at least the first few weeks, so your immunities can happen to your child. However, you can combine this with a bottle of formula as do many women.

Giving formula milk in bottle babies is also a valid option and healthy for children, either from the beginning or after a period of giving chest. If you are concerned about the decision, try to separate the medical facts of political and cultural rhetoric. Remember, the most important thing you can do for your baby to love and nurture of the way you want.

Skin care during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes and weight, the skin of women pregnant suffer some damage during pregnancy. Allergies, dryness and ridges are the most frequent manifestations.

The key: hydrate

The best preventive measure so that the skin is not damaged during the pregnancy is constantly hydrate. Lotions on the market designed especially for pregnant women. They contain impairs in the doses required for this special period.

You can also put the oil in a capsule of vitamin E in areas where skin tension is too strong to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Other alternatives are olive oil and almonds.

New positions for birth

Traditionally, women often give birth lying down with her legs spread. However, there are new positions that women can choose the time of delivery, at your convenience.

Standing birth

In ancient cultures, women practiced birth standing up for the force of gravity provides the baby out. Some variants of this position are sitting or squatting position, keeping the vertical position.

This position is more natural to the fetus and prevents injuries to the spine of the mother. Also, the output of the baby in this position facilitates the dilation of the vagina. The only disadvantage is that blood loss is higher, thus running the risk of bleeding.

Differentiate the colds of other diseases

One of the reasons that children have frequent colds is that their immune systems are immature, making them more vulnerable to disease.

Your child can only develop immunity to one at a time of more than 200 viruses that cause the common cold. Just think of all the colds you've had in your life and your child will have all these and more for become immune to colds.

As your child grows, you may want to explore very much and touch everything, so it is easy for him to catch a cold virus in your hands. And all you have to do is put their fingers in their mouth or nose for the virus has a chance to start.

The safety of the baby in the car

At first when the new baby is born, we loaded her up every time we go, and while it is so beautiful walk it is very uncertain when we got on the car, whether for any reason.

It is necessary to ensure that buying a good chair or car seat that meets all regulations and requirements, and is well placed. It must be on the march counterclockwise (looking back). Until your child reach the year or even at least about 12 kilograms.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Babies, as you can see in the first month of life

During the first month of life, there are many changes that are showing the baby's growth, and vision is one of them, the baby is born with a vision called peripheral, which is the ability to see what is around at the end the first month, will acquiring capacity to focus the light at a fixed point, located in the center of their visual field.

When the baby was born, was sensitive to bright lights, and her pupils were contracted, to limit the amount of light from his eyes, at approximately two weeks of life the baby's pupils begin to increase in size, allowing you to capture a wide range of light and shade, likewise while you develop your retina, will acquire more powers of perception and recognition of ways.

The smell and touch during the first month

Just as the baby prefer certain sights and sounds few others, have preferences for flavors and odors. Aspire deeply to smell the milk, vanilla, banana or sugar, but wrinkled her nose at the smell of alcohol or vinegar.

If you get the chest at the end of the first week will be able to distinguish between nursing wipes his mother from other moms, towards them and ignoring the others. This kind of radar that have help you recognize the child during feedings and notify you when you need to get away from potentially harmful substance in the future.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Care of the umbilical cord

The umbilical cord was, what kept our baby joined us while we loaded in the belly, and where you spend much of the food once the baby is born. We have some care to heal properly, thus preventing complications.

This will keep the ends clean and dry until it falls off, this can be done with a wet cotton in alcohol (drained), is essential for cleaning some go that form around it. These cures cordoncito well as expose the air will cause scarring and dries quickly.

How much sleep babies need

All parents were first asked how many hours a day should sleep their children. For then you are commented that the general guidelines on how many hours on average children must sleep in their different ages, of course bearing in mind that everyone is different and may sleep an hour or two more or less than others.

Babies should sleep 1 month about eight hours at night and seven during the day to complete about 15 hours in total.

One of three months should sleep ten hours at night and five a day to complete 15 hours in total. One of six months sleep eleven hours at night and a little more than three during the day to complete over 14 hours total. One of nine months sleep about eleven hours at night and three in the day to complete 14 hours in total.

It stimulates the senses of your baby during pregnancy

As the fetus develops in the womb, your senses begin to develop and sharpen. This time is ideal for issuing certain stimuli that a baby will be safe, stable and healthy.
Everything comes to baby

Due to the early development of the senses, it is important that the mother keep her around a calm atmosphere. The fetus can hear and feel everything that happens, so that discussions and lawsuits have a negative effect on your emotional state.

Infants and the first smile

 This is one of the most important milestones of the child in its first month of life, the emergence of the first smiles and giggles. First appear while the child is asleep, for reasons still unknown.

Although seeing a newborn as smiles while sleeping can be very entertaining, true smile will come when near the end of this first month, start to smile while awake.

Breathing difficulties in the baby

Surely, after your baby is born, you take several hours to establish a normal breathing pattern, and probably cost a bit, but from there you should not have any trouble breathing.
You usually notice that it costs to do while you're feeding, but over the days when both parties are learning their times, this will disappear. In any of these symptoms occur you should not waste time and communicate it to the pediatrician.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Skin and nails care of baby

As we have said on other occasions, our baby's skin is very sensitive and can get irritated very easily by contact with chemicals in new clothes, or soaps or detergents used to wash their clothes and used.

To avoid such problems as advised is to rinse twice one for our baby, and all washable objects within its power, before they make contact with your skin. During the first months should wash your baby's clothes separately from the rest of the family.