Saturday, March 17, 2012

What to do when the baby gets angry and hits only

There are many children who come year as they acquire part of their personality, and have the ability to make us see when they are very happy and elated as well as something they dislike or do not like.

Some infants are usually self-harm banging against furniture, or floor to a denial of the parents, and as such we care for it, but at this age the young have little control over their emotions, especially when they are frustrated and that have more temperament can reach extremes.        

You have to make sure as parents that are not made serious damage and require care, even we have soft and protected places where the child is mobilized or where to place it in this time of tantrums.

Inguinal hernia in an infant

In reviewing doctor , the doctor if you notice a small lump in the groin area of your baby, or an enlargement in the scrotum, we may comment that the child has an inguinal hernia, the disorder appears in five of every hundred children is born and gives mostly the men. It happens when it affects a small portion of the intestine that "slips" through an opening located in the lower abdominal wall.

Hernias in children due to the normal opening of the peritoneum not close properly before birth the peritoneum is a sac that surrounds the organs in the abdominal cavity. Before birth, this bag has two elongated projections that pass through the muscle wall in children and lead to the scrotum with the testes, while the girls do with the lips of the vulva.

Why not give your baby cow's milk

Many parents ask this question because they can not give cow's milk to their newborns, and the answer is simple: Young babies do not properly digest cow's milk, quite easily as the formula.

Moreover cow's milk contains high protein content, which can overload the kidneys, not yet fully mature, in an infant and cause serious alterations in times of extreme heat, fever, or diarrhea. Besides cow's milk does not have the necessary amount of iron and vitamin C needed by the baby, can even lead to iron deficiency anemia in some babies, since the protein it contains irritate the lining of the stomach and intestine, causing blood loss through the feces. This is why babies should not drink cow's milk the first 12 months of life.

Stimulation for baby's brain growth

We must always keep in mind when to encourage and contribute to the growth of our baby, create a safe environment where the child can move at ease and free to explore its surroundings. Being the baby warm in this relationship, should never miss the hugs, kisses and caresses, to convey a sense of security and welfare, feeding the growth of their self-esteem.

To do this, we must be sensitive to their moods, always respond in any situation. Also need to sing songs while sharing moments like bathing, eating, or walking, so it feeds the language and way of expression for children. Should you establish dialogue on equal terms with the baby imitating their sounds, and teaching others to show any interest. You can read stories and teach its representative figures making sounds.

Evolution of the vision of a baby from four to seven months

As our baby grows and puts into practice new motor skills, Did you notice carefully as seen in everything he does? The concentration with which contemplates a toy, you can get to remind a scientist locked in their thinking and research. There is no doubt that sight plays a key role in the early stages of motor development and cognitive development. Your baby's eyes will become fully functional just when he most needed.

Although your son mom, and saw the birth, your view takes several months to mature fully, only to this stage can distinguish different shades of red, blue and yellow. Do not be surprised when the child prefers red or blue to other colors appear to be the favorite of most infants of this age. As they grow, most babies prefer visual stimuli and more comprehensive, something that should you have in mind when shopping for picture books, or posters for your child's room.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Development of intelligence and creativity of a baby

To start developing the Cognitive area, a baby is necessary that the child has become aware of itself and its environment through direct experiences, the creation of mental images and subsequent acquisition of a language that allows you to interact with the environment surrounding it, this begins to happen with the passing of days and as parents we would like to shelter our son in a friendly and safe.

It is sometimes very difficult to separate from the Cognitive area, the other dimensions of development, since it involves on the one hand sensorimotor aspect in the knowledge of himself and his reactions to certain stimuli, through the which can explore their environment, so you can manipulate and compare, choose or distinguish certain objects or attitudes, and on the other side the Psycho-social area, which relates solely at the child's interaction with parents and all those people who surround, besides language.

Pregnancy and physical activity

Moms who practice exercises during pregnancy, physicists have less risk for depression. Studies have shown that those women who exercise daily are less likely to develop this type of pathology during the prenatal period and therefore helps to reduce the risk for osteoporosis in post-partum.

Suffering anguish, anxiety and weakness during pregnancy is directly related to how badly some women feel the physical changes your body is feeling and experiencing over the last 9 months pregnant. This type of complex impairs self-esteem, in some mothers both before and after giving birth to their babies.

The importance of drinking water during pregnancy

Drinking water during pregnancy is important because from the belly of the mother water protects our little baby from external aggressions through the amniotic fluid.

After birth the water continues to play a fundamental role in life and full development of the baby. The 75% of the weight of our baby is water, which is why it is important to keep this delicate balance the body. In the development of your entire body bone, muscle, nerve and tissue, water is an essential component, so to support the growth of the baby is always necessary, since in the womb receive adequate hydration.


Lift into the air, blow it up, rocking in the hammock are games, that babies love and need to encourage their development and coordination of cognitive senses especially the balance, the gentle away often remind when I was in the belly his mother, so help him move play is a fundamental part of its growth.

 For that parents play a key role as the child will self-confidence and feel supported by us.
The game of gross in the boat.

In this game the child develops the abdominal muscles and arms, head control, and perception of space. The smaller, slower we play with him.

Will place the baby on various cushions and pillows so that it is in front of us, we will sit on the floor with legs crossed, and with the help of a cane, cane or long stick (broom or duster). We take the stick with both hands up to our shoulders and we will come and will move away from the baby, swinging forward and backward as if we were paddling.

Cognitive development of the baby of 8 months

When the baby reaches 8 months is a child, wide awake, and that everything is a world that wants to discover, begins to help himself exploring objects in various ways, stirring or agitating, hitting, throwing or simply dropping them. It is attractive to find hidden objects, and usually do very easily you can watch an image correctly when you said it is among other things.

It also begins to speak, pronouncing syllables separated or small words, like father, mother, given. And is dedicated to looking around to practice communication, mimicking our gestures. Her little hands have already acquired some strength and coordination in their movements, so it takes objects correctly as drinking glass, a comb or brush, to comb, and certainly if you are fond of the music has learned to stand on its own headphones and enjoy the rhythm of what you hear.

Burns and choking

As our babies grow and acquire skills , their movements make them more individual, with our collaboration and control in a safe environment grow, so we should never overlook some things that may not seem important but when it comes to care our son, prevent complications and expose him to danger.


Never load your child while smoking, (in fact should not smoke around him), if you are drinking something hot, or cooking on the stove or oven.

Just as you should not smoke near it, do not allow anyone else to do either.

Before putting your child to always check bath water temperature with the inside of the wrist elbow or forearm.

Never heat the milk the baby (later no other food) in the microwave, remember that the heat penetrates the inside out and even what may seem cold, the inside may be hot, causing burns to the baby. You test them before giving them to the child.

Baby, care of the penis

Babies need care in their genitals, depending on their sex, as is the case with children (males) must take some special care at the time of their diapers changed, especially if we think that your penis is a sensing member which is in contact with urine.

We have two types of care specifically, when the penis is uncircumcised, and when not.

Care of the circumcised penis: If you want your child to practice circumcision, probably will make the second or third day of life, unless delayed for religious reasons, after the intervention, he bandaged the glans Vaseline impregnated gauze, usually this dressing will fall the first time the child urinates, some pediatricians suggest further bandaging the penis, until it heals completely, while others leave it exposed pediatricians recommend.

Infections in the upper respiratory tract

Many babies get their first cold during the first months of life. Breast milk confers some immunity, but by no means guarantees complete protection, especially if another family member suffers from respiratory disease. These infections are easily spread by droplets in the air or by contact with hands. (Exposure to cold or drafts do not cause colds) Wash hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and kissing the child when cold, are the best ways to avoid infect it.

Most infections respiratory babies who contract are mild, causing coughing, runny nose and a slight increase in temperature, but rarely fever. Mucus, however it can be a real problem for the infant. By not being able senseless, mucus may end up blocking the nasal passages. Before he was three or four months, babies still breathe properly through the mouth, so this blockage can cause them more discomfort than older children.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The aggressive behavior of a baby

In childhood, normal attacks aggressively. The aggressive behaviors are behaviors that can cause unintended harm, whether physical or psychological. Behaviors such as hitting others, offend them, mock them, and throw temper tantrums or using inappropriate words to call the other part of children's aggression.

When some children persist in their aggressive behavior and are unable to control his strong temper, may be frustrated causing suffering and rejection of others. According to experts, the frustration and aggression makes an excellent breeding ground for aggressive behavior that is developed in children.

Limits against aggressive child behavior

The child's aggressive behavior is normal, but the challenge is to control it. Often causes the child to an adult so he can act in place and control his aggressive impulses because it can not do this. Therefore, the child needs a "do not do that" or "for that." Children sometimes ask for a fight. It is as if a check would borrow his father or his mother. Just as parents teach to walk, to talk or eat, their children should be taught also to control their aggression.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The baby of 8 months and skills

At this age, the baby learns to stand up, crawl and take the first steps, are the most spectacular achievements of this period, but we must not overlook the wonderful things our baby will learn to do with their hands.

At the beginning of this period still catch the baby items so awkward, usually using the whole hand, but at the end of this stage will accurately using the thumb and forefinger , it will take to find out practicing the movement of pliers pieces of cereal to feed often and maybe even if you try to snap your fingers teaches.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to combat pain during pregnancy

To relieve pain such as in a muscle or inflamed gums during pregnancy, since not all medications are appropriate and many of them reach the baby, it would be tried first with simple remedies such as applying ice to form intermittent because of step reduces inflammation.

If pain is severe, you can use drugs in early safest during pregnancy is acetaminophen, although some studies have shown that consumption may slightly increase the risk of asthma in the infant. Only take medication, if necessary and under strict medical control physician or obstetrician. If acetaminophen is not enough, you can use other drugs indicate that the professional knows.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The time to say goodbye to the bottle

Most pediatricians recommend around the year for the child to leave the bottle or at the latest arrivals to 18 months. As our little child learns to drink the cup, you no longer need a bottle.

Unfortunately the final weaning is not always easy as often seems. To make things easier, it is best to start by removing the bottle in the afternoon and later in the evening and the morning, leaving at night to go, since it is the more costs to drop the baby.

If the child can not sleep or wake up suddenly at night, it's easy to get into the habit of using food or bottle for comfort. But at this age children do not need or eat or drink anything at night. If you still feed your baby at night should no longer do, even if the child cries and looks thirsty to drink, night shots are a form of comfort and not to meet their nutritional needs.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The daily menu for the first year

The fact that our little boy looks healthy part of a challenge for parents, the food is doing its part, if varied and colorful, our child will never be short of nutrients, and will be smiling and cheerful throughout the day, because food is the main source of energy we have.

This menu is an example which should follow the mothers of children who have served or are passing the first year of life, which reached a weight of 12 to 14 kilos. As not all babies are equal, this will depend also on how much to indicate our pediatrician and the baby's adaptation to the food.


1/2 cup of cereal, enriched with iron or a boiled egg (never more than 3 eggs a week)
1/4 cup whole milk with cereals

1/2 cup juice or cereal with fruit puree (banana or strawberries)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Advantages and disadvantages of bottle feeding

There is no doubt that breastfeeding is the best way to feed our baby, but despite recognizing its advantages, both mothers and fathers may think that feeding with bottle, gives the mother more freedom and more time to devote to her young son and the tasks related to their care.

The bottle well mom let other family members feed the baby, father, grandparents and even older siblings, favoring other links, and may contain the same formula or breast milk without, which the mother is present. This not only provides greater flexibility to the mother, but also represents a good opportunity for other family members to strengthen their relationship with the baby.

Friday, March 9, 2012

How to feel and think our baby

Parents know very well that our behavior directly affects our baby, if we laughed the flooded be welcomes, if your quarrel is misbehaving because he is sad. Parents are the focus of our children.

Research has shown that during the first three years of life the child's brain grows and develops significantly and during this time to define the basic patterns of thought and response. This means that as parents we have the special opportunity to help our children to develop properly and mature socially, emotionally, and physically, since the early years mark a lifetime.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What clothes should use a baby

Usually our little boy will not like to stay without clothes for long periods, not to the liking of a baby being naked, being deprived of shelter they feel vulnerable, because their skin is very sensitive and delicate, especially to friction air, and much more if the newborn.

In a way there are no universal rules to be taken into account when buying clothes for a baby, but the idea is to choose clothing that can be placed and removed with ease and avoid those that loose hair or lint that may cause allergies, or put upset the baby.

Also keep in mind that our son's clothes, ornaments or do not contain elements that can easily detach, because you may choke or choke on them , keep in mind that babies can take everything in their mouths, or can be inhaled accidentally. Clothing is advisable to use natural fibers like cotton absorb moisture and do not cause irritations or allergies.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Linguistic development of 8-month

When our little child is reaching the year of life will begin to indicate that is what you want, pointing or gesturing towards the direction where the object is. Also try many of the gestures he sees his parents and siblings do while dialogue, this is a form of communication that use the baby until it acquires the art of language and to express their messages with words.

At this stage, the child begins to babble with specific syllables like "ba", "da", "ga", "pa", "ma" and may already have begun at 8 months to practice the words, Therefore we are excited to hear, like "mama" or "tata" every time you want to capture our attention being because it is to realize that that makes us feel. Once you learn to say them correctly, you can spend the whole day saying "ma-ma", solely because of practice and because it is very entertaining, but then at the end of the period used the right words to convey exactly what it means.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What is the Apgar scale?

When our baby was born the nurse or midwife, put a timer to ring first to the minute and after five minutes, and that is where he conducted the first tests called the Apgar scale.

This scale helps the physician to evaluate general condition, which was our little boy at birth she evaluated the heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, reflexes and color of the baby. this scale can not predict how healthy or will be developed, nor brilliant, nor his personality, but is intended to alert medical personnel if you are sleepy or reactions are slower than usual or if you need some special care to suit the new world that has been just outside the womb of his mother.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The first time the baby is left with the babysitter

When this time comes we become moms thousands of questions , although the child will be staying only a few hours with her, it is best that the child has contact with his nurse, in our presence, and from there go to adapting, she can stay in charge of your care in our absence.

The ideal is to let your child spend time with the nanny for several days before being left alone, but if not possible, the best, is that it is done this a few hours earlier to get familiar with the baby before you leave.


Keep your child on your lap while talking to the babysitter. Look for clues that are calm before the nanny face you. Expect your child is one who seeks or who is playing quietly
Ask the nurse to talk with your child while you are still loaded, but not too close to touch him or trying to load it.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Baby 15 Inches! "From the 13th to the 16th week"

In this quarter begin to develop the senses of sight, taste and touch. In his little world receives information on file in his head. From time to time are encouraged to take a short walk from one end to another of the uterus ... And you can start to notice!

 With a sensitivity of surface: this is the best definition to describe the time your baby is experiencing. At this stage developed the sense of touch, is able to distinguish the flavors and is susceptible to sudden sounds that frighten you. Even see the light reaches. Try not to bother him much.

13th week

Go up! It measures 12 cm and weighs 65 g. This week, the diameter of the baby's head will grow 4 mm. The mouth opens and closes and tries sucking movements, swallowing some amniotic fluid expelled as urine. Continues to form the skeleton and joints work already: for example, can bend the arm at the elbow and wrist. It is also capable of separating the toes and clench his fist, and can even turn your head, open mouth and to press your lips, but these movements are still controlled by the brain. In the skin is formed a dark-colored pigment melanin.

The varicose veins "How to Avoid Them"

A measure pregnancy progresses and your baby grows and grows, as you contemplate a blue veins show themselves in your legs and, worst of all is that you hurt and feel heavy. Varicose veins and other circulatory problems are common in pregnancy.

 - The sednarino

- High-heeled shoes. This type of shoes impeded the natural movement of the foot and, therefore, the circulation and drainage.

- Use high stockings, which compress the blood supply to the knees.

- The use of tight clothing, since they hinder venous return. It is important that the clothes do not tighten at the waist, chest or the English.

- You do not want local heat or prolonged exposure of the legs to the sun.

Care of the newborn to get home

A newborn baby needs special care from coming into the world, hospital care for them well because they go through this several times a day, nurses have a lot of practice and will explain to parents how to go looking after the baby, but until you get home is when the new parents face the reality, they are lonely and need to properly care for the baby, then it should be taken to account for newborn care at home.

First, be calm and patience, many parents are nervous and do not know how to control so please talk among yourselves and agree to do together, both must work. If the baby was born via cesarean, the mother needs to rest, eat well and take care of the wound, and hurt him and he has to move slowly, Dad needs help here a lot and be patient with them. Second, enjoy the homecoming of the newborn, is when they realize they are a new family congratulations!

The Councils of women who are already mothers

When a woman becomes a mother faces many challenges and new feelings, as they say many people: nobody knows how it feels to have a child to live! And it certainly is quite true! Both your mother and even your grandmothers, aunts and friends who have gone through that, begin to give you advice on what to do and what not with your baby and to yourself. From here come the advices of women who are mothers.

Follow these simple steps when women who are mothers who give you advice: taking the best of what they talk you, appreciates and values ​​provided that care about you and your baby because they do it with love to you, always with good intention, then listening to think that you agree with that and if you want to put into practice some of the tips, if you decide not to, just thanks and try not to hurt the person you advised, but always have patience.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bath Time for Your Baby

The bathing of a baby is the time that many parents are afraid because they think they're going to hurt, you look so small and helpless that gives concern that they will slip, which scared off by the water, do not want to get soap in the eye, much less want to irritate your skin to carve, but quiet, will not be the first mother who cares about this issue.

Some tips to help you bring bath time is a better way: have a bath for the baby, and put it in a place where you think it will be easy for you to bathe, which is at a good height so you do not have to crouch, put everything you'll need next to the tub as soap or shampoo, preferably neutral or special hypoallergenic infant, to carve a sponge, which is proportional to body size and soft to your skin, since this is very sensitive and thin.

More rights for children

Last December the UN General asamble adopted a new protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a measure that represents an important step in legislation on the rights of small ma. The big news is that this new protocol not only reaffirms the status of children as subjects of law but recognizes its power to defend their rights themselves directly before an international.

One novelty is that it allows children to defend their rights for themselves before an international, as long as they do with an adult or an association. This is as if a child feels that violate their rights may appeal to the Committee on the Rights of the Child to make your claim.

Sexual desire after childbirth

Sexual inhibition, shared by many women after giving birth, can respond to a cause. From birth, although it can occur even during the months of pregnancy, the baby goes to take the place of one object of desire for the mother.

This change experienced by women often express a disinterest in sex, but not always the case. Sometimes, it manifests with a decrease in the mood to talk, to be with the couple, working, and so on.

This can take several months, sometimes even years. It is time that the mother needs to "set" and regain its position as a woman. During this period, opening up to the couple and try to express what everyone feels, along with a mutual effort of understanding and affection, can help both to cope with the new situation.

Asparagus Children

Asparagus Gratin

1 kilo or half kilo of asparagus and
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons flour
300 g of milk or whipping cream 150 g
grated cheese
salt, and ground white pepper


1. Cook the asparagus in water with a little salt for 30 minutes. Drain and reserve the cooking water to mix with the sauce.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and, off the heat, add flour, stirring well to avoid lumps. Add a little broth to cook the asparagus and this will be well connected.

Dimensions of the child's room

The child's room should be dimensioned to the cycle of physical and intellectual growth. In each of the stages of development are manifested new needs, which requires provision for future amendments regarding all aspects of child training.

Naturally, the dimensions of this space are not exclusively linked to health problems (to allow a sufficient volume of air, a proper ratio between the surfaces that provide lighting and illuminated surfaces, etc.), since these conditions often result from the characteristics of the construction. Instead, it should be organized within that unit is the stay, according to mental and motor needs of the child.

You should avoid excessive length and depth extent that at times, can awaken in children a sense of inability to control space, waking and insecurity, anxiety and even fear.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Education: the Montessori methods

The Montessori methods is an educational alternative in place since 1907 in many countries worldwide. Born of the hand of the Italian Maria Montessori from their classroom studies and their environment.

His theory of the details materials used and the organization of the class. Montessori was the first to adapt the school furniture to the size of the child because they believed that the details are very important in development. The pleasure and learning must go hand in hand and thought this is how the classroom environment has a special place. The layout, the presence of flowers, the use of attractive materials and others make to learning.

Organize children's birthday

In these times there is increasingly less time to organize a big event, whether a wedding, an anniversary or birthday child. That's why we are the organizers of fashion events. In some cases these are people who work independently offering their services. In others, companies that deal with organizing the party.

Furthermore, and even with little time, you can take care of yourself and your child's birthday with some outside help. An example is the leading My Little Party that is nothing but a shop dedicated to parties dealing with everything needed to bring the birthday a success. From cards to the décor, costumes, games, or gifts of piñata finale.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Food safety in children 24 months to 3 years

After two years of age reduces the risks associated with food. While still small and have to be watched closely, the children have learned to swallow better than at the beginning and can eat all kinds of food.

Despite the good news is helpful to have some qualms with some products while not dangerous in themselves can cause some problems. For children 24 to 36 months of age, avoid sticky food and chunks to avoid a possible suffocation. Moreover, it is best to eat sitting in their chairs to eat not eating while walking or lying down while watching television. You must seek a space in which children remain attentive while eating to then concentrate on chewing and swallowing quietly.

Teach children to wash their hands

When your son is old enough to go to the bathroom alone and use the potty by itself, it is also old enough to imitate what their parents do after using the bathroom. For that I bring you some tips to get kids to wash their hands after using the bathroom.

You let him see your usual routine to go to the bathroom, including you see the way you wash your hands. If your child sees you doing that, you may begin to associate the cleaning of hands with the process of using the bathroom. Do you reach the sink with a small stool and help it with water and soap.

When moderate or stop exercising in pregnancy

Sometimes getting exercise during pregnancy is strictly prohibited to protect the health of the mother, baby and or both. Therefore it is recommended that the mother discuss with your doctor before you start, continue or change their exercise regimen.

A large majority of doctors prohibit aerobic exercise if the mother suffers from: heart disease, lung disease, cervical insufficiency, pregnancy multiple twins or triplets as if you are at risk of preterm delivery, persistent bleeding in the second or third trimester, placenta after 26 weeks, delivery, premature rupture of membranes or as the breaking of water.

Stimulation of the baby's brain growth

From the beginning of gestation until birth and then to this our baby both receive everything that surrounds it, whether we hear sounds while in the womb, the voices of their parents, etc.

To stimulate their brain growth from first to third month should consider the following items, for a completely healthy growth and development of our young son.

Give a food healthy, take it to the pediatrician for regular checkups and timely follow the recommended immunization schedule.

What to know about the polio vaccine

When vaccinating children, both mothers and infants sometimes we fear, it is clear that children do not like to be vaccinated, but thanks to this we can prevent and eradicate diseases like polio, which is a viral disease that can paralyze some muscles of the body.

It can be mild or severe depending on the affected muscles. Fortunately has been eradicated by the effects of effective vaccines to prevent disease.

Children should receive four doses of the vaccine before entering school, and there are two types of vaccines against this disease: IPV (or inactivated polio vaccine) and injected into the leg or arm, and OPV (or attenuated polio vaccine) that is taken orally as drops.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diarrhea, baby care

The diarrhea occurs when the inner cover of the intestine suffers an injury. What makes the stool softer than usual means that the ingested nutrients are not digested or absorbed properly by the intestine.

Injured tissue also tends to filter liquids, which are lost and mineral salts. These losses are compounded if your baby eats food or sugary drinks because the sugar is not absorbed, it attracts more fluid, worsening diarrhea.

If your child has vomiting followed by diarrhea within a few days, may have a viral infection in the intestinal tract.

Babies and the departure of the teeth

The little teeth of the baby usually start out at about 5 months the lower central incisors are usually the first out, followed by four to eight weeks after the four upper incisors (central and lateral) and approximately one month after the other two lower incisors. Then the first molars usually come out followed by the canines.

 If your child does not yet left any of your teeth, do not worry yet, this may be an inherited trait and not necessarily that goes wrong. The outputs of the teeth sometimes cause irritability, crying, fever things need to bite hard and cold.

Four to seven months infants and their qualities

By the fourth month, your baby can be without any wish to inconvenience the mouth, over the next four months use at once, all the fingers of his hands, to carry things like a rake, as having mittens or claws, do not use a precision grip or pliers with the thumb and forefinger.

We watch as it grows little by little and about six months and can change an object from one hand to the other, coordinate their movements and discover little by little bits of old his body, before or thought existed.

Swings and playpens, tips to keep in mind

Many parents find that the swing mechanics, especially those that can be attached to the bassinet, can calm a crying baby out of control, when all else has failed. If you plan to use one of these devices, do not place your child in the seat of the swing, but until you know just sitting (usually between 6 and 9 months).

Use only stable swings that are installed on the floor, not those that are hung from the doorways, and that could become detached and be dangerous for the child. In addition, you should not use the swing more than 30 minutes nor more than twice a day, but can calm a baby, does not replace the care that parents provide.

Walkers, care for the baby

Many associations and academies of Pediatrics do not recommend the use of baby walkers. These are advertised to children you know usually sit without problems, but still no stability for walking.

The walkers are involved in many accidents and injuries annually, so it is generally recommended to use static devices, for children who still maintain their stability.

Please note:

If you choose a walker with X-shaped frame, note that the frame, getting caught can small. Check that the walker has insurance to prevent the child can be folded while in use. Also make sure that the springs if present, have protective covers.

Foods to avoid for 12 to 24 months

As your baby grow, will want to try some food from your plate and you also want to add some variety to your diet. But not all foods are safe for your child and some may even have a choking hazard. Here I bring some things to prevent your baby from 12 to 24 months.

- Skim milk or skim: Most children need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development. Once your child turns two years, and if no growth problems, you can start to make low-fat milk. Even if your baby is at risk for obesity or heart disease the doctor may recommend that kind of milk before this age.

Discomfort in pregnant women

Besides the physical discomfort experienced during the pregnancy, women often have to face endless questionnaires and comments on this state.

A large majority of the work going to have to endure just talk to them about her pregnancy and nothing else, so eventually the baby just want to go out and have your identity back.

They also have to receive the comments are not requested and the hands touching without asking. Several women say they get comments like "you're great!" As well as tips that have never asked and strangers playing outstanding stomach, as if they were not annoying enough with the inconveniences of the state.

Cardiovascular exercise during pregnancy

Exercise does wonders during pregnancy lifts mood, improves sleep and reduces the pain of that state. It also prepares you for childbirth by strengthening muscles and build physical fitness, as well as making it much easier to return to the good body shape after the baby is born.

The following activities are usually very safe for expectant mothers, although some may not work during the last months of pregnancy. Either way you must make sure your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

Cardiovascular exercise:

Hiking: One of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women is walking because it keeps you fit without disturbing your knees and ankles. It is also very easy to do anywhere, as it requires no equipment other than a good pair of sneakers and is safe during all nine months of pregnancy.

Tips for drying the umbilical cord

Newborn babies are a piece of cord attached to his body that falls within ten or twenty days so it should be a little careful with this part. To begin you must keep it clean and dry, and it is recommended that double the diaper just below, or buy these diapers have a special place for this, so is exposed to air and not the urine.

When that piece of umbilical cord falls off, you can see a little blood in the diaper, but that's normal. You just have to avoid bathing your baby in the tub until it falls.

In warm climates, have your baby seen only a diaper and a shirt loose to allow air to circulate and make the drying process faster. Also you should not try to pull the rope, even if it appears that is only supported by a small piece of skin.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The pacifier helps a lot when sleeping

For babies that are a great relief in suck, which goes beyond the needing to eat, pacifiers can be very useful when it comes to bedtime. If you're breastfeeding your baby, wait until you have a month old for a pacifier, to ensure that breastfeeding is well established.

The pacifier should not be used as a substitute for food. First you try to hug him, pamper, rocking and singing to fall asleep. Then put the lights down low and some soft music. When you wake up, be sure to give enough milk before passing the pacifier.